After years of working in communications and education, I was blown back onto my Spirit Path - that of 'what I used to want to be' - due to severe burnout and depression.
From an early age I have been fascinated by people, herbs, and the skills of healing and improvement. Someone who heals, supports and rearranges someone's space. So that all of life becomes a better place.
In recent years I have followed all kinds of studies, courses and therapies to nourish my own Path with the necessary knowledge and skills.
Notitie: Als geregistreerd acupuncturist ben ik verplicht om up to date te blijven middels jaarlijkse bij- en nascholingen. Deze benoem ik echter niet apart onder opleidingen.
Spirit Path refers to acupuncture point Lingdào on the Heart meridian. According to the ancient healing texts you set someone on the 'Path of his Soul' when you poke this point.
By working under this name Spirit Path reflects my vision on acupuncture: via hands, intuition and needles, I guide people to their soul mission.
I believe that this guidance is necessary, because I also believe and learned that everything is energy. And energy is continuously in motion and inextricably linked.
So if you don't do what will make your energy flow, your system will make it known through all kinds of physical, mental and emotional complaints.
In practice I work with energy. Energy in space and in your body. Life energy (Qi) flows in your body through all kinds of energy channels (meridians). Complaints arise when that energy is out of balance for a long time and/or severely.
At Spirit Path, your complaints are therefore always viewed from the holistic view that body, soul and spirit show a mirror of your current state of being. An injury in the shoulder can be caused by overload or by an imbalance of the large intestine or gallbladder meridian.
This means that I also look with you at the cause behind the complaint. So that not only your complaints but also the cause is balanced.
Afsluitend breng ik je altijd op de hoogte van het adagium ‘you are your own medicine’. In de praktijk geef ik je daarom veel inzichten, tips en theorieën over de disbalans.
Mocht je hier veel meer over willen leren, dan kun je meedoen met één van de ceremonies, retreats of het mentorship bij The School for Alchemy. Deze school zette ik in 2024 op om mensen tools te geven om op natuurlijke, elementaire wijze om te gaan met individuele en maatschappelijke uitdagingen.